Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010 - today's naptime

Today, I started out guarding the balcony.

Hey, it's a hard job. You never know who's coming up and over the side. The family counts on me to keep them safe and I totally take my job seriously.

After awhile, I figured things were pretty quiet outside. I can totally keep my watch up from the couch. I'll just sit here for a minute, ok? See? I've got it. Don't worry.

Well, I guess maybe my head is a little heavy. Maybe if I just put it down for a second...

What? Why are you looking at me and laughing? I WAS NOT JUST ASLEEP. Move that damn camera, woman.

Yeah, ok. Maybe I'm a little sleepy.


1 comment:

kristenevol said...

Love these pics, Bella. Thanks for uploading! :) Happy nappy ^,^