Monday, July 26, 2010

It's exhausting to be this cute

It really is.

Chick Flicks

So, I got busted tonight...

I simply love Bridget Jones' Diary. I try not to watch it when Mom's around because I get very angry when she quotes this film.

I don't like gherkins. I don't like jumpers. And I certainly don't like hearing that the Japanese are a very cruel race. You know, I'm totally Japanese. I know that I was born in Missouri, but, I'm still Asian and I'm easily offended. Can't you see the outrage in my face?

God Mom, I just want to watch this movie in peace!!!!

Yanno, I'm just going to hide out under Dad's side of the bed if you can't leave me alone. I mean, you know I'm completely head over heels about Alcide Herveaux right now, but Daniel Cleaver is pretty cute.

But Oh! Mark Darcy...or as you and my sister call him, "Mahhhk Dahhhhsee"...He is pretty swoony...

I wish you'd just go to bed. It'd make my TV time so much more enjoyable.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I have a new fish

The first fish I had was Guinness Ichiban. We got him on some holiday called "Saint Patrick's Day" so my mother thought naming him after beer was funny. That's probably why he died.

After GI was gone, I got pretty sad about it so my mom bought my second fish. We called him Take Two. My family giggled about that name a lot but I don't know why. I wonder if they giggle about my name too when I'm not around.

Well, Take Two didn't make it either. Mom said GI was probably too cold and Dad said Take Two was most likely too hot so we, well, they, moved the tank and dad brought home this guy.

The family is calling him Threepete and snickering about it, but I just call him My New Best Friend. Mom says that she'll do all she can to make him last longer than the other guys. We'll see. Somedays, I think maybe I am lucky to still be around.

After Threepete got settled in, my mean mother tricked me into following her down the hallway where I was cruelly thrown into some water and nearly drowned. They call this "bathtime." I call it "BS."

I hate you, Evil Mother.

I will not be consoled. I will not be pleased with being wet. Ever. So stop trying to tell me what a good and pretty girl I am, ok?

Here's what I did to pay them back.

This is dad's side of the bed.

He was saying something about the carpet smelling like "wet dog." I'm not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, but I know that I got in a nice, picture-free nap while my hair dried.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summer Snooze

It's so hot in our house. I can't get comfortable.

This is my friend Stuart. He needed a nap too.

We think it's much cooler on the floor.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July 14, 2010


What's up?

Today's my dad's birthday. My sister bought him something called an "ice cream cake" and I was really excited about the whole production until someone said chocolate and then I lost interest.

Apparently, chocolate is bad which means my family is crazy because they actually eat it. I do too when they're not looking. I've had some chocolate candy and a few candy bars and some chocolate chip cookies in my life time and I'm still ok. My mother says something about "brain damage", but I think I'm good. I think they tell me chocolate is scary so they can eat it all themselves.

Sometimes, my family is mean.

For instance, yesterday, no one cared about how cute I was and no one followed me around with a camera very much even though I was ready for it.

I kept lying down in high traffic areas thinking they'd pay attention. They didn't.

In the middle of the kitchen is nice, but Mom yells.

The walkway from the kitchen to the living/dining room is pretty ok too. Dad wasn't happy about this though.

The sliding glass door was pretty ok too, but then it got too hot.

Mom and Dad keep talking about a secret and something that has to do with a bee or knees or some such tomfoolery. In any event...Bella will not be ignored and I made sure that everyone liked me today. I pulled out all the stops and did my crazy tail wagging thing whenever Mom walked around.

Finally, I just gave up and got on my couch. They're super boring anyway.

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12, 2010

Yanno, sometimes I wonder why my mother doesn't understand the concept of "let sleeping dogs lie." I was minding my business on the couch, getting ready for a delicious nap and this is what happens to me. Also, is it just me or does this woman sound like she might ride the short bus?

After these shenanigans, I thought I'd take my afternoon repose on the balcony where I could watch the comings and goings of my neighbors. Sometimes, people do fun things like have a garage sale which somehow morphs into an all-night fiesta, replete with bad singing and even worse Mariachi music. Sometimes, neighbors throw couches off the third story balconies into the yard and yell loudly while they do it.

These are fun things to see, but I digress. I also like to nap outside because no one usually bothers me. That is until today...

Seriously, what's wrong with letting a Shiba sleep in peace?

Some days, I wish my whole body could fit under this log so I could escape for a nice nap...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010 - today's naptime

Today, I started out guarding the balcony.

Hey, it's a hard job. You never know who's coming up and over the side. The family counts on me to keep them safe and I totally take my job seriously.

After awhile, I figured things were pretty quiet outside. I can totally keep my watch up from the couch. I'll just sit here for a minute, ok? See? I've got it. Don't worry.

Well, I guess maybe my head is a little heavy. Maybe if I just put it down for a second...

What? Why are you looking at me and laughing? I WAS NOT JUST ASLEEP. Move that damn camera, woman.

Yeah, ok. Maybe I'm a little sleepy.


For the record...

Contrary to my mother's clearly mistaken belief, I am awake from time to time.

Yes, fine, I may look a little surly.

You would be too if someone was eating a rice krispy treat in front of you and that someone wasn't sharing.
My mom likes these pictures of me a lot. She says I'm cute. Whatever. I'm asleep, can't you just leave me alone?

The floor is a pretty ok place to be too.

See? I'm loving it. You should try this sometime.

You can even do it outside!

The door makes a pretty decent pillow, although my mom laughed at me a lot for this nap and tried to move me a couple of times. I just kept coming back. Nice cushiony steel. Ah, BLISS!

This pretty lady's name is Pink Rita. She's my best friend in the whole world and sometimes, I just can't sleep unless she's with me.

Do you have a best friend that you nap with too?
In case you were wondering, this is THE GREATEST nap position ever. It doesn't get much better than this.

Sometimes I like to perch all of my body as awkwardly as I possibly can and then try not to fall off when I go to sleep.

It's a pretty fun game.
Ok, here's some old mom calls these "oldies, but goodies", whatever THAT means...

The loveseat in this house belongs to yours truly and I must confess, I really don't like to share. I call this series "my couch period," but who am I fooling? Most of my best work is done on the couch.

Anyway, I like napping and lounging about. Don't judge.

I get sad when people do that. See?