Sunday, January 22, 2012

January 22, 2012

A lot has been going on here since we last spoke. I got a new baby sister.

She was really little when she came here and my mom was afraid I might eat her at first. I mean, after all, she is smaller than some of my toys.

We're the best of friends and no one is worried about my teeth any more. In fact, if anyone should be worried about anyone, it should be me. She's bitey when she wants to play.

Aren't we just the cutest things?

The best thing? I have someone to cuddle with and more important, I have someone to have lots of naps with!!!

I wasn't, however, prepared to actually BE the bed...

1 comment:

Dione said...

Bella! Bella! I love you. I'm glad you have someone to keep you company and that you love her. It shows on your sweet face. Love, Grandma